Zoomers: A Round Table Discussion

Interviewed and Written By Judith Roberts; Recorded and Edited by Elias Reyes

Recently, Crossroads Chronicles invited a group of teens and young adults to participate in a recorded roundtable discussion on the topic of ā€œInvitationā€; These exceptional young people openly talked about their faith and the significance of inviting friends to Church. They also shared how important it is for their friends to know Jesus and experience what they have been part of at Crossroads.

David and Hannah Parker lead the teen and young adult ministries. They are phenomenal leaders, and our Gen Z young people thrive because of their leadership. As a grandmother, I am deeply grateful for their passion and the difference that ministry is making in the lives of our teens and young adults.

For a preview of the Gen Z Round Table discussion, here is a question asked and a sample of the participantsā€™ answers.

Yuliana Cota served as moderator and asked some great questions.

Question: What's the primary reason to invite friends to Church?

Evan Donald

One of the big reasons I invite someone to Church is so they can see what I see, and experience what I experience when I come here, a feeling of community and family. It's the experience of being part of something bigger than myself.

Maddie Calabrese

I wanted my friend to understand you can worship in a place where everyone worships together and feels safe, and there isn't anyone judging you.

Noah Calabrese

It's kind of easy to forget people who seem to have it all together and whose lives are all figured out. They need to come to Church just as much. We should invite them as well because they could have issues nobody sees or talks about, like putting on a facade.

Adrian Guenthardt

I invited a friend to come to the youth group. Now, he is actively looking for a relationship with God and is coming to the youth group. This is a great result.

Ryland Ross

I invited two of my friends, and they started coming. They ended up liking it and coming here every week. They have been coming for two years now.

Addy Griffin

It would probably be the small groups, so they are not just having to dive in and feel pressure to worship.

Yuliana Cota

- It's like planting a seed, but God does the rest of the work. You invite them because you want them to hear about God and let God do the rest.

Click on the video below to watch the whole interview!