Week Three

We are already well into Matthew’s gospel and have read a LOT about Jesus! This week, I want to challenge you to begin to keep TWO LISTS. One list will be things you learn about the character of Jesus and the Father. This list reflects timeless truth's about God. For example, when it was said about Jesus in Matthew 9:36 that He had compassion on the people “because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” What does that tell you about Jesus’ character? You might say, he has compassion on those who are harassed, helpless, and without guardianship. The title of this list is Jesus’ Character. And I just gave you your first entry!

The second list is about US. Who are we to Jesus? The title of this list is My Identity in Christ. Using the same story as above I might add to my list that I am someone Jesus has compassion for. Unlike the crowd who gathered, as a believer and disciple, I could write, “I am a sheep with a good Shepherd who takes care of me. I am no longer harassed, helpless or without guardianship.” Try to keep this list in the positive tone because this is who you are in Christ.

Two lists: Jesus Character and My Identity in Christ. We’ll add to these lists each day and keep them through to the end of the New Testament. I am looking forward to how we all grow in recognizing Jesus and ourselves in Him.

You can do this! Pray for the Holy Spirit to grant you ears to hear and eyes to see what He is saying. I know He will answer your prayer!



Week Four


Week Two