Invitation Stats

Below statistics come from: Richardson, Rick. You Found Me:

New Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious Are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith

75% of people are willing to talk about faith with their friends!

Seventy-five percent [of people with no faith in particular] are fine with their Christian friends talking about their faith, and 44 percent feel that an invite from a friend would be effective in getting them to visit a congregation.

60% of millennials would say yes to an invitation to a church event!

Millenials] are very receptive to invitations to church from friends and family members (55 percent say such invitations would be effective in getting them to attend) and to events sponsored by churches, especially community service events and sports program opportunities (nearly 60 percent say they would be likely to attend these kinds of events sponsored by local churches).

75% of unchurched Christians would accept an invitation to church!

Forty-nine percent of unchurched Protestants and 44 percent of unchurched Catholics expect to be going to church regularly in the future.

These stats add up to a total of thirty-nine million people in the United States who are not only receptive but who actually expect to return. What’s more, 75 percent say an invitation from a friend or family member would be effective at getting them to visit a congregation.