From Us To You

Written by Pastor Brett Smith

“You are invited!”. Three simple words, right?

On second thought, there’s nothing simple about it.  Let’s rephrase that not-so-simple statement.

Come on in.  I want you here.  There is space for you.  You belong.  You are essential.  Join me.  Let’s GO!

Those three simple words are soul-soothing, affirming, welcoming…  Friends, being invited sinks deep.  It’s fundamentally human to long to hear that we are invited. And it’s life-changing to discover that the invitation is indeed true.

Jesus Invites.  He invites the weary to rest, the thirsty to drink, and the hungry to “come and dine!” in His Kingdom.

Ultimately Jesus' invitation is “Come Follow Me”. 

However, this is an invitation to more than just loafing along, trailing in the background choking on dust.  

In Hebrew, the words “Lekh Acharia” (follow me) translate – as “imitate me” or “do as I would do”. It could even be translated as (and this is my favorite) “be fulfilled after me”.

Friends, Jesus’ invitation to follow is to “be fulfilled after me”.  This is becoming like Him and fulfilling the very same purposes that HIS life fulfills.

And get this – YOU are INVITED!

We believe that emulating Jesus’ invitation is the key to a fulfilling life in Christ.  As Crossroads prepares for our 4th Annual Revival Summit this September consider 3 aspects of this invitation:

Inviting others into your life, into your church, and into life in Christ.

We believe this story of God’s grace-filled invitation is taking root in the rich culture of Crossroads Nazarene Church.  I hope and pray that these stories of Crossroads, as told by us, inspire you to celebrate God’s invitation!

Crossroads, these are exciting days to be fulfilling God’s mission together!